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5 Tips for Recovery from Meth Addiction

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Medically Verified: 2/1/24

Medical Reviewer:

Sahil Talwar, PA-C, MBA


All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

Recovering from an addiction to any substance can be a long and difficult process. Recovery from substance abuse requires individuals to tackle mental and physical issues that aren’t easy to face. Meth addiction recovery, in particular, can be extremely mentally taxing. As a result, individuals recovering from meth addiction should always attend professional detox and rehab.

If you or a loved one are recovering from meth addiction, attending professional treatment is only the first step. Once you leave the safety and structure of our North Carolina treatment center, you must continue to build upon your recovery. Meth addiction recovery is a life-long journey. In other words, individuals recovering from substance abuse must continue to utilize self-care tactics as well as sobriety maintenance techniques.

What is Meth Addiction?

In order to understand meth addiction recovery, you must first understand what meth addiction is. Meth, also known as methamphetamine, is a stimulant drug deriving from various chemical ingredients. Additionally, meth is notorious for causing high levels of dopamine in the brain, resulting in intense euphoria. This is what causes meth to become so addictive.

Typically, meth is referred to as crystal meth, crank, ice, or chalk. Meth is available in various forms, such as crystals, tablets, and powder. Individuals who abuse meth may smoke, snort, swallow, or intravenously inject it. People addicted to meth abuse this drug to stay awake, energized, or happy. However, meth abuse results in various long term side effects including addiction.

To explain, when individuals use meth for the first time, the brain experiences a large outburst of dopamine. For example, when a person tries meth for the first time, the brain releases 1, 250 times more dopamine than it does naturally. As a result, individuals experience an intensely high level of pleasure and euphoria. Unfortunately, the brain begins to adapt to higher levels of dopamine. As a result, meth users will continue to abuse the substance to recreate their first high. This causes individuals to be unable to function without meth.


Tips for Meth Addiction Recovery

Recovery may be a difficult process for some people. However, when individuals receive professional detox, rehab, and addiction therapy they are able to maintain long-term sobriety. It is important to note that meth addiction recovery does not end after completing treatment. Individuals recovering from meth addiction must continue to build upon their recovery daily. Continue reading to learn 5 useful tips for meth addiction recovery.

#1 Identify your Triggers

Every addict has people, places, and things that trigger them to use meth. Whether it’s a neighborhood you bought meth in or a friend that you used drugs with, its important to recognize your triggers. During the meth addiction recovery, individuals should identify such triggers. As a result, individuals can learn how to work through triggers and avoid relapse.

#2 Practice Patience with Yourself

Recovery never happens overnight. In fact, heavy meth abuse can lead to anhedonia, which is the inability to feel pleasure. Also, PET scan studies have shown that some users take up to two years for their brain function to return to where it was before using. With that being said, do not be too hard on yourself during meth addiction recovery. It will take time to begin to feel normal again, but your happiness and success are worth the wait. If you or a loved one are struggling, your doctor can prescribe you medications to help ease any lasting symptoms.

#3 Build a Support Network

During early recovery, individuals should always build a support network. Whether your support network includes family and friends or a support group, knowing you are not alone is vital during recovery. Having a support network allows individuals to receive advice, support, and relate to others with similar issues. As a result, individuals are provided with extra incentive to remain sober.

#4 Be Honest About Your Feelings

Individuals in the early stages of meth addiction recovery often deal with turbulent and raw emotions. This is because, during their meth addiction, individuals did not have to deal with their feelings. Individuals addicted to meth often use it in order to numb their emotions. When these people begin their journey to sobriety, they have to learn how to deal with their emotions healthily. Because of this, individuals recovering from meth addiction must be open and honest about their feelings.

#5 Help Others

A huge part of substance abuse recovery includes helping others. Whether it’s volunteering at a treatment center or sharing your story at a support meeting like NA, helping others with meth addiction recovery can help you to stay sober. This is because helping others allows you to focus on something else, make connections with like-minded people, and feel a sense of purpose.

Meth Addiction Recovery in North Carolina

Without a doubt, getting clean off meth particularly stressful. However, recovery from meth addiction is possible with professional help and personal dedication. Successful meth addiction recovery always begins at a professional detox and rehab program. If you or a loved one are addicted to meth, Carolina Recovery Center can help.

“Our comprehensive, compassionate, and unique treatment helps build a foundation for a healthy recovery and sober future. Clients at Carolina Center for Recovery undergo a personalized journey through one of our highly effective treatment programs. They’re specifically assigned to licensed mental health counselors, certified addiction professionals, or master-level therapists who not only specializes in the issues they’re facing but is paired with them based on their needs.”

If you would like to begin your journey to recovery, contact us today for more information on our meth addiction treatment program options.