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Medically Reviewed

Residential Opioid Treatment for Young People

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Medically Verified: 2/1/24

Medical Reviewer:

Sahil Talwar, PA-C, MBA


All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

As the opioid epidemic continues, our nation is beginning to see a significant rise in the number of young people who are addicted to opioids. According to recent studies, nearly 28% of young adults and adolescents reported misusing prescription opioids. In 2018, over 67,000 American people died of a drug overdose. Even more concerning, 70% of those people were using opioid drugs. As young people begin to recreationally use dangerous substances such as these, their risk of overdosing dramatically increases.

Fortunately, treatment centers around the nation are fully equipped to treat adolescent and young adult opioid addiction. Oftentimes, professionals in the addiction treatment field recommend that young people, in particular, should seek residential treatment for opioid addiction. Residential addiction treatment is widely known as the most effective treatment option for a number of reasons. For example, residential treatment focuses on not only ridding the patient’s body of all substances but also treating their minds as well. For young people addicted to drugs or alcohol, enrolling in a residential treatment center allows them to fully heal from the causes and effects of their addictions. 

What is Residential Opioid Treatment?

Young people across the nation are receiving opioid addiction treatment within residential facilities. These programs offer around-the-clock care by allowing patients to reside on-site during the duration of their treatment. Additionally, these treatment centers provide a supportive and drug-free environment. This is especially important for young addicts who may not have access to such an environment at home. 

Residential treatment programs last anywhere from 30-90 days. Since each individual is unique, the duration of a patient’s treatment will depend on critical background information collected upon admission. During treatment, patients will have access to a variety of therapies, activities, and meetings, as well as health care and nutritious meals. Utilizing various methods of addiction treatment allows patients to receive the highest level of care possible. 

The Benefits of Residential Treatment

Residential treatment offers an all-inclusive, individualized, and intense approach to fighting the disease of addiction. For many young addicts, enrolling in a treatment program is one of the scariest decisions of their lives. However, the life-long benefits of finding help are worth the initial fear.

Individualized Treatment Plans 

Residential treatment is highly regarded as one of the most extensive levels of care for young people who are addicted to opioids due to its ability to provide an individualized treatment plan. While in residential treatment, patients will focus on psychological therapies, groups, and education needed in order to achieve long-lasting recovery. Additionally, this treatment approach allows therapists to address the root causes of their patient’s addiction. As a result, the patient can begin to fully understand why they were using in the first place – possibly preventing future relapse.

Focusing on Improving Mental Health

Many young people who abuse opioids suffer from co-occurring mental health disorders. Attending a residential treatment program would allow them to be treated for both their addiction and any underlying disorders that need to be addressed. When recovering opiate addicts don’t receive treatment for any additional mental health issues, it is more likely for them to romanticize the idea of self-medicating their disorders through drug use. Therefore, residential addiction treatment offers young patients with the most extensive mental health treatment. 

Providing a Safe and Supportive Environment 

Many young people deal with constant stress, peer or parental pressure, and even traumatic experiences as a result of their current living environment. Oftentimes, these issues are some of the main factors in the development of their addictions. Therefore, it is extremely important for young addicts to be removed from their environments in order to be able to fully focus on recovery. Fortunately, residential addiction treatment takes this into consideration by offering their patients a place to live during their recovery process. While in residential drug rehab, patients have the opportunity to reside in a safe, supportive, and professional environment. 

Establishing a Strong Support Group

While in residential treatment, patients have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded individuals. Many young opiate addicts believe that no one understands them, or that no one has been through the things they have. This belief can cause a lot of guilt, shame, and remorse, leading young addicts to continue using. However, because patients reside on-campus and often participate in group therapy, young recovering addicts are often able to see that they are not alone. 

Who Should Seek Treatment?

If you, or your child, are suffering from adolescent or young adult opioid addiction – you might want to look into residential treatment. However, this isn’t the first step in everyone’s recovery. Instead, some short term opioid abusers opt for outpatient addiction treatment rather than a residential program. If you are unsure of which type of program you need, doing research on different addiction treatment programs is recommended.

If you relate to any of the following statements, residential treatment may be for you:

  • You have tried to quit using opiates in the past and have failed.
  • You experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop using opiates.
  • You have been abusing opiates for an extended period of time. 
  • You are committed to ending your addiction to opiates.

Statistically speaking, residential treatment has a higher success rate than other forms of addiction treatment. If you or a loved one suffers from adolescent or young adult opiate addiction, residential treatment is the best option. Call us today.