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10 Signs Long Term Drug Rehab in North Carolina is Right for You

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Medically Verified: 2/1/24

Medical Reviewer:

Sahil Talwar, PA-C, MBA


All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

People begin using drugs for many different reasons. People may develop a life-threatening addiction or other severe complications if they start using drugs because of stress, curiosity, peer pressure, or other reasons.

People who develop addiction require caring comprehensive treatment to recover. A high-quality drug rehab program provides evidence-based treatments like medications, behavioral therapy, group and family counseling, and education. Participating in these therapies while living in a supportive, secure environment allows people to identify and work through the complex roots of their addiction.

Research shows that people experience better outcomes–primarily longer periods of sobriety–after attending long-term drug rehab programs. Spending more time in treatment lets people learn more skills, practice sobriety with support, and develop better connections within the program and the community.

So, how can you tell if long-term drug rehab in North Carolina is right for you? This article will explore ten of the most significant signs that you may need long-term substance abuse treatment. Reach out to the Carolina Center for Recovery specialists now to learn more about our holistic rehab programs or to find help at any stage of your recovery.

10 Signs Long-Term Drug Rehab is Right For You

Before beginning treatment, a doctor or addiction specialist will evaluate your unique needs and recommend a level of treatment. There are some common signs that someone may need long-term treatment. Here are ten of the most significant signs you need the support of a long-term rehab program.

1. You have a severe addiction

Severe or long-lasting addictions often require long-term care. If you have been using drugs and living with addiction for months or years, you may need to spend more time in treatment to identify the causes of your substance use and learn new skills to avoid relapse in the future.

Treating addiction isn’t a quick process, especially when it has become a deeply entrenched part of your life. A long-term rehab program will allow you to get the time, support, and treatment you need to put addiction in your past.

2. You have a dual diagnosis

Living with mental illness and addiction may require more time in a specialized drug rehab program to fully recover. People with a dual diagnosis must receive treatment for their addiction and mental illness. A long-term rehab program allows people more time to learn and practice the skills they need to manage both conditions and live a fuller, healthier life.

3. You have relapsed after short-term rehab

If you are caught in a cycle of treatment and relapse, you may need the unique support of a long-term drug rehab program. Relapse is a common experience among people in recovery, but it can be discouraging. You may need more support and treatment if you’ve had multiple relapses after attending short-term rehab programs.

4. You don’t have supportive housing

It’s nearly impossible to stay committed to lifelong sobriety if you do not have stable or supportive housing. Whether you do not have a reliable place to live or live with people who use drugs, you may benefit from the intensive, supportive treatment of a long-term addiction treatment program.

5. You experience significant withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms are expected during detox and the early stages of recovery. But lingering withdrawal symptoms like depression, anxiety, insomnia, cravings, and more can increase your risk of relapse.

6. You use drugs to self-medicate

Short-term rehab programs tend to focus on treating the physical aspects of addiction. In a long-term substance abuse treatment program, you’ll receive treatment and support that allows you to identify the complex roots of your substance abuse. You’ll learn practical skills to avoid relapse and be connected to supportive community programs, giving you effective tools to manage stress and challenges.

7. You have health problems because of drug use

Long-term drug rehab in North Carolina may be ideal if you require medical attention or monitoring during treatment. Long-term programs can provide more personalized treatment plans and connect with community providers to offer a better continuum of care.

8. You have no control over your drug use

If you feel like you cannot control your substance abuse, you may benefit from the intensive treatment and support of a long-term addiction treatment program. Long-term care gives you more time to address your addiction’s physical, psychological, and behavioral aspects while practicing new skills in a safe, supportive environment.

9. You have developed tolerance to drugs

Tolerance means that you need to use greater amounts of a drug to get the desired effects–and it’s a sign that you are living with an addiction requiring intensive treatment. If you have noticed that you need larger or more frequent doses of a drug to get high, you may require long-term drug rehab to have a complete recovery.

10. Drugs are your priority

People with addiction often spend a lot of time and energy getting, using, and recovering from using drugs. If you have been neglecting your relationships, hobbies, and responsibilities because of drug use, you may need the intensive care and support of a long-term drug rehab program.

If you live with addiction, finding the right level of care is critical. Don’t wait for more time to go by without getting the treatment you need. Explore the benefits of a long-term drug rehab program and seek help as soon as you recognize a problem.

Find a Long-Term Drug Rehab in North Carolina

North Carolina is home to a thriving community of addiction specialists and people in recovery. Reach out to the caring specialists at the Carolina Center for Recovery to learn about our addiction treatment programs and get started toward a healthier, sober lifestyle.