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Substance Abuse and Anger Management Programs in North Carolina

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Medically Verified: 2/1/24

Medical Reviewer:

Sahil Talwar, PA-C, MBA


All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

Anger is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. As an emotion, anger itself isn’t dangerous, and there’s nothing wrong with feeling angry in certain circumstances. However, anger does become a problem when people struggle to keep their anger under control by coping with it in healthy ways. People who can benefit from anger management therapy in North Carolina are those who allow their anger to control their actions in one way or another.

There are many different events and circumstances that can trigger anger. Someone may feel angry if they are lied to, cheated on, or betrayed in any way. People may experience anger when boundaries are crossed or when things don’t go their way. Regardless of the cause of anger, a key component of learning to cope and control this emotion is to reduce other behaviors and problems that contribute to anger or are worsened due to lack of anger management skills. One condition that is closely tied to anger is drug and alcohol addiction.

Substance abuse and anger management programs in North Carolina can help patients get sober and begin channeling their anger in healthy ways. Treating both of these issues simultaneously can improve treatment and recovery outcomes.

Signs of an Anger Problem

Everyone expresses anger differently. Some get moody, depressed, and irritable. Others will get angry and lash out at other people. Whether a person acts sulky and grouchy or is directly lashing out at others, these behaviors are problematic if they become chronic. They may even make loved ones want to stay away from the individual because it is too difficult to deal with their anger.

Anger can be dealt with in healthy or unhealthy ways. Examples of unhealthy ways that may indicate the need for anger management therapy include:

  • Calling people names, belittling others, or insulting others
  • Engaging in risky and dangerous behaviors like reckless driving or self-harm
  • Being physically violent with objects or with others
  • Slamming doors or breaking items in the home
  • Using drugs or alcohol to relax and cope with anger

Unresolved or built-up anger can contribute to strained relationships, emotional struggles, and poor mental health. It can also lead to additional problems, such as substance abuse.

Understanding Anger and Substance Abuse

Not everyone who struggles with poor anger management will turn to substances, but many do. Alcohol, marijuana, opioids, and even benzodiazepines may seem to help individuals relax and stay calm, helping them deal with their anger. However, using drugs and alcohol to cope isn’t healthy – and substance abuse will only make anger issues worse.

The longer a person uses drugs and alcohol, the more likely they will begin struggling with depression and anxiety, which in turn can make anger worse. Individuals may become increasingly frustrated as substances fail to make them feel better, leading to the dire need for substance abuse and anger management treatment.

At the same time, addiction and anger issues have a lot in common. Anger is a powerful emotion that can release a rush of adrenaline. Some people get addicted to the endorphins that are released and the rush they feel when they get angry. However, similar to a high, when anger wears off individuals often become depressed or anxious, so they crave ways to feel better again. If drugs and alcohol are used to mimic this rush, it can be addictive and destructive.

Anger Management Therapy

Anger management therapy can help patients learn to express all of their emotions – not just anger – in healthy and constructive ways. Learning how to cope and express emotions benefits mental and physical health, which can also support addiction recovery.

During anger management therapy, patients participate in group and individual counseling sessions where they learn to identify their triggers and create constructive ways to respond to those triggers. Therapy will focus on communication skills, relaxation techniques, and problem-solving.

Substance abuse and anger management programs in North Carolina will also teach patients healthy ways to cope with their conditions and reduce the likelihood of relapse and angry outbursts. Healthy ways to cope with anger include:

  • Yoga or meditation
  • Exercise
  • Journaling
  • Talking to a friend, loved one, or mental health professional
  • Assertive communication styles
  • Increasing self-awareness
  • Using humor
  • Practicing a creative hobby
  • Listening to music or creating art
  • Breathing or relaxation techniques

All of these practices can also be applied in the context of addiction recovery to help patients cope with difficult emotions, deal with cravings, and prevent a relapse.

Find a Substance Abuse and Anger Management Program in North Carolina Today

Dealing with addiction and poor anger management at the same time is challenging, so it is best that patients don’t attempt to do so alone. Instead, they are better off seeking the help and support of qualified mental health professionals who provide dual-diagnosis treatment services. Using an integrated treatment approach, treatment centers in North Carolina offer comprehensive substance abuse and anger management programs to those in need.

To speak with a treatment provider or to find help for a struggling loved one, pick up the phone and call today.