Hallucinogens are a class of drugs that include a wide range of substances. These drugs can alter your perception, and awareness of your surroundings, your thoughts, and your feelings. While many hallucinogenic drugs are extracted from plants or fungi, some hallucinogens are man-made.[1]
Man-made hallucinogens are referred to as synthetic. The most common synthetic hallucinogen is lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). In recent years, other synthetic hallucinogens have been rising in popularity.
One of the less discussed (but commonly used) synthetic hallucinogens is known as 2C-B (4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine). There are several forms of “2C” drugs, each one being a different variation of the same chemical compound.[2] Because 2C-B is not well-researched, the dangers of abusing this drug are largely unknown.
What is 2C-B?
2C-B is a synthetic or designer hallucinogenic drug. It is man-made and created in a lab. People in the club and rave scene often abuse 2C-B for its psychedelic effects.
2C-B is a Schedule I drug, which means it has no medicinal use and is illegal in the United States.[3] The only way to obtain 2C-B is to buy it from a drug dealer or order it on the dark web. Oftentimes, people buying MDMA from drug dealers end up receiving 2C-B instead, as it is cheaper and produces similar effects.
Common street names and slang terms for 2C-B include:
- Nexus
- Bromo
- Toonies
- Performax
- 2s
- Spectrum
- Utopia
- Synergy
- Venus
- Bees
- Eve
- Erox
- Zenith
- Cloud 9
- Afterburner Bromo
The Effects of 2C-B
When you take 2C-B, you may swallow it as a capsule, tablet, or powder. Some people also dissolve it into a liquid and drink it. It is not common to snort the substance, as insufflation causes very painful burning sensations in the nose.
Typically, the effects of 2C-B begin 30 minutes after you ingest the substance. The initial effects may include feelings of anticipation, warmth, anxiety, and tingling. Depending on the dosage you take, you could experience symptoms similar to the effects of LSD.
Common effects of 2C-B include:
- Dry mouth
- Increased blood pressure and heart rate
- Nausea and vomiting
- Dizziness and drowsiness
- Increased confidence
- Euphoria
- Feelings of well-being
- Anxiety and panic
- Changes in perception
- Confusion
- Sexual arousal
- Visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations
- Delusions
- Insomnia
According to the DEA, the effects you experience depend on the dosage you take.[3]
When you take 4mg of 2C-B, you will feel passive, and relaxed, and experience changes in perception and your emotional state. Taking 8 to 10mg of this substance will cause stimulant-like effects coupled with euphoria, arousal, and enhanced receptiveness of visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile sensations. Doses ranging from 20 to 40mg will produce LSD-like effects while anything over 50mg is known to cause distressing hallucinations and morbid delusions.
Can You Get Addicted to 2C-B?
2C-B is often compared to a mixture of LSD and MDMA. While LSD is not considered to be addictive, it is possible to become addicted to MDMA. The stimulant effects that people experience when they abuse 2C-B may lead to addiction or psychological dependence.
Another reason you might become addicted to 2C-B has to do with the “crash” you could experience after taking it. To explain, the way this substance interacts with your brain chemistry can cause you to feel extremely down, depressed, and fatigued the next day. This may cause you to crave the effects of the substance, beginning a cycle of continuous abuse and addiction.
While there is not sufficient research into the long-term effects of 2C-B, becoming addicted to any substance is dangerous. As you become tolerant of the drug, you will begin to increase the dosage you take to experience the effect you desire, causing you to take so much of the drug that you experience an overdose or fatal side effects.
Dangers of 2C-B Abuse
While the long-term effects of 2C-B are unknown, there are some dangers to be aware of. When you take 2C-B, it causes your levels of serotonin to skyrocket. As a result, your brain may believe it is producing too much serotonin, causing you to develop serotonin syndrome- a potentially fatal condition.[4]
Because 2C-B causes similar effects as both LSD and MDMA, the long-term dangers might be similar. Long-term dangers of 2C-B abuse include:
- Addiction
- Mood disturbances
- Thinking and memory issues
- Brain damage from substance abuse
- Hallucinogen flashbacks
- Psychosis
- Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD)
Because of how little 2C-B has been researched, even taking the substance one time could be dangerous. When you use it long-term, there is no telling what physical or mental health issues you may develop. As a result, it is important to attend a professional drug rehab program if you regularly abuse 2C-B.
Finding Help for 2C-B Abuse and Addiction
If you or a loved one suffer from 2C-B addiction, Carolina Center for Recovery can help. With a combination of evidence-based behavioral therapy, group counseling, peer support, and relapse prevention planning, we can help you achieve long-term recovery.
To learn more about our addiction treatment programs, contact us today.